
Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Freshmen Dorms

This house is located to the left of the senior dorm. It is clearly labeled on the outside with the word "Freshmen" on a pale green sign. Like the other girls' dorms, it is a large, two-story country house with a small porch and a few swings and rocking chairs outside, though one of the swings has fallen off and never seems to get fixed. There are twenty-five rooms that hold two girls each, and a large communal bathroom resides on each floor.

Moderators: R A C H E L *, K A S H I *

1 5 You Could Be The It Girl [Mew]
by Theodora D. Ursing
Feb 10, 2012 18:38:43 GMT -5
No New Posts Sophomore Dorms

This house is located to the left of the freshmen dorms. Like the others, it is a white, two-story country-style house with a small porch with swings and rocking chairs. It is clearly labeled with a small, pale orange sign that reads, "Sophomores." It has twenty-five rooms that hold two girls each, and a large communal bathroom on each floor.

Moderators: R A C H E L *, K A S H I *

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No New Posts Junior Dorms

This house is located to the right of the Senior dorms. It is clearly labeled with a pale purple sign that reads, "Juniors." Like the others, it is a large, white two-story country style house with a porch with swings and rocking chairs that have somehow turned into regular chairs. It has twenty-five rooms that hold up to two girls each, and has a large communal bathroom on each floor.

Moderators: R A C H E L *, K A S H I *

1 1 Hello Roomate in Juniors 1A! [Kyu]
by Jillian Rafael Riggins
Dec 6, 2011 20:42:09 GMT -5
No New Posts Senior Dorms

This house is located at the northernmost point of the circle of dorms. It is clearly labeled with a fading pale red sign that reads, "Seniors." Like the others, it is a large, two-story white country-style house that seems to be in the best shape of all of the houses. A large communal bathroom resides on each floor. The Senior girls are typically seen dressing up the house for holidays and games.

Moderators: R A C H E L *, K A S H I *

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Cerulean Dorms

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Girls' Dorm Claim
R A C H E L * 1 578 by R A C H E L *
Jun 5, 2011 22:24:40 GMT -5


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Board Description
Cerulean Dorms
The girls dorms, located on the eastern side of the campus. Four two story white country houses are situated in a circle in this area. Twelfth grade girls live in the foremost dorm, and then the eleventh, tenth, and ninth grade girls live in the other houses, which are clearly labeled by grade level. The dorms are situated around a semi-wooded courtyard with benches and a fountain.
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